viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

Green alien and Green people

Ecological topics are too complicated for me; actually, before entering college do not recall hearing anything about it, I do not remember anyone who has considered "green”. Although it has been in vogue lately, is still very difficult for me to incorporate this new mentality.

In this regard, I believe that the social environment is critical to address these issues, whether family, school, college or work, I think precisely in those places can acquire attitudes and environmental practices. In my case, my family has no eco-minded, in my school planted trees only one day a year in college and just know people who raised these ideas more deeply.

Despite the above, I think I have some habits that may be considered recycling, but in a way not consciously green. In my house are reused grocery bags to throw away, especially for me who are the lights off in places where no one while trying to not leave the tap open for a long time, and so on.
With respect to walking or biking instead of using the car, I laugh a little at the thought. I do not mean that it is impossible, many people move their bicycle to work or many people are walking to school, I have classmates who do, but of course, these people live in a relatively close, saying that many of these along which places have bike lanes or pedestrian walkways.

I have not joined any organization like this I just feel foreign, I understand that the planet is wrong and that damages are the result of many of the actions of people like me, but it's tough to be a new awareness of new from one day to another. In my family, I am the most "ecologic", but look at me! , I really am not a "green". I would be aware of the damage, many documentaries and films dealing with this issue and would love to see them, probably when I have time I will, I think awareness is essential before practice.

 Therefore, I think what is lacking in the country and it is essential to take charge of the environmental problem is the awareness, knowledge is important and I personally do not think I'm the only person in the country so ignorant on the subject.

viernes, 13 de enero de 2012

Sex and the over-60s

Usually people associate sex with young people; they forget or they try to block the image of older adults having sex.  The reality is: older people have sex, we want to or not.

Life expectancy has increased in many parts of the world and this brings the sexual age increases the same way. On a less favourable view, sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and HIV also increases among people of the elderly.

The idea of beauty is something that is closely related to this issue because often the simple image of the old bodies cannot imagine this kind of thing.
But age is actually a big plus for this activity, older adults no longer have their children in their homes, many seniors are retired, and most women do not need to worry about getting pregnant, despite this, menopause itself can become a problem for crises that can affect women through lack of libido or the need for certain special products. Despite this, there are arguments in favour of older women achieve more satisfying sexual experience.

Until now it is impossible to determine an age limit for sex like it does not exist either an age to find love.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

“Sometime, to smile is the best way to help change the world”

I searched a definition for happiness, but I disagree, so I am going try to explain my own definition. Happiness, for me, is a moment where persons are in harmony with all around them, they do not need do something different, neither need get something in special. I think happiness is important like an urge for the life, but I think every felling are important and it must live fully all of them.   
In particular, I am happy when I spend my time with lovely person, my family, my friends and interesting people. Does not matter if is a big celebration or a casual conversation, happiness are not in material thing or an expensive moments, happiness is in relationships. Many people do not find happiness because they do not search in the right place, many people search in luxury or beauty. Society, and in particular Chilean society, set goals too high that many people cannot get; I think Chile is not a happy country, but is important that scientist are trying to find its causes.

“Quítame el pan, si quieres, quítame el aire, pero no me quites tu risa…Niégame el pan, el aire, la luz, la primavera, pero tu risa nunca porque moriría” Pablo Neruda