viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011

Bye bye holidays!

My first expectation for this semester is to have a breakdown. Second, maybe I will have intense and crazy holidays. And third, in April probably I will be crying for stress.
I am taking just the necessary subjects: Theory sociologic I and II, Economy II, Statistic III, Qualitative Techniques I, Epistemology and English IV; I would like to take Art's sociology, but our schedule changed, actually I think it would have been too hard to have other subject more because I took a painting course on Saturdays to relax me, but it is making me the opposite.

Well, I think is obvious how I feel studying in summer, but I want be clarify I feel so bad no precisely for my holidays, is the time for be with my family that hurts me, my brothers will not be in Kindergarten or in School, maybe my parents will not have a lot work. Chiefly, Christmas time... I don't know how people who doesn't live in Santiago they will.

What things I would like to do in class? I don't know, maybe it will be better if I don't expect anything, maybe that way, something surprise me!  


2 comentarios:

  1. Stephanie, i would love to take a painting class, I think that we are all a little depress for the situation of this semester and the vacations, but cheer up and enjoy painting it´s good for the mind to relax and be creative.

    good luck with the rest of this term, it'll be over eventually.

  2. Hi Stephanie,

    What do you mean by a "breakdown"? An attack?

    And, did you mean: "Stress will make me crazy"?

    The word "actually" means "really". What you want to say is, "At the moment; at present".

    And say, "I took painting lessons to relax but it is having the opposite effect."

    Finally, I stongly recommend you practice doing exercises in the plataforma because your sentence structure is very week.

    1 point.

